
Jowar Dhani Ki Chikki

Yet another addition to the basket of healthy sweet treats is this puffed sorghum chikki, delightfully flavourful and light. Sure to give that energy boost that you are looking for.

New Update
Main ingredients Puffed sorghum (jowar dhani), Ghee, Jaggery, Almonds, Pistachios
Cuisine Indian
Course Mithai
Prep time 25-30 minutes
Cook time 5-10 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Sweet
Level of cooking Easy
Others Vegetarian


  • 4 cups puffed sorghum (jowar dhani)             
  • 2 teaspoons ghee
  • 1 cup chopped jaggery  
  • ¼ cup almonds, roasted and roughly chopped + for sprinkling
  • 1 tablespoon chopped pistachios for sprinkling


  1. Heat ghee in a pan, add puffed sorghum and saute till crisp. Transfer onto a large parat and set aside to cool.
  2. Melt jaggery in the same pan and cook till it reaches to hard ball consistency.
  3. Add the roasted sorghum and roasted almonds and mix till well combined.
  4. Immediately transfer the mixture into a greased and lined chikki tray. Spread the mixture evenly, sprinkle almonds and pistachios. Gently press the mixture while it is still warm.
  5. Level the top using a rolling pin. Immediately cut into pieces of desired shape. And set aside for 10-15 minutes. 
  6. Remove from the tray, arrange on a serving plate and serve.