

Jackfruit is usually eaten as a fruit, however we will make a Bhaji (Vegetable dish) using jackfruit. This is a Sanjeev Kapoor exclusive recipe.

New Update

Main Ingredients Jackfruit, Scraped coconut
Cuisine Goan
Course Main Course Vegetarian
Prep Time 16-20 minutes
Cook time 11-15 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Spicy
Level of Cooking Easy
Others Veg


  • 1 small unripe jackfruit , peeled and cut into medium sized cubes and boiled
  • ½ cup scraped fresh coconut  + for garnishing
  • 1 tablespoon chopped garlic 
  • 1 tablespoon grated jaggery (gur) 
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 teaspoon sambhar powder
  • 1 teaspoon red chilli powder
  • Salt to taste
  • 1-2 tablespoons oil


  1. Take jackfruit in a large bowl and roughly mash it. Add red chilli powder, sambhar powder, salt and turmeric. Mix well and keep aside
  2. Heat oil in a pan. Add chopped garlic and sauté till golden brown.
  3. Add marinated jackfruit and mix well. Sprinkle some water and mix.
  4. Cover and cook on low heat for 5-6 minutes.
  5. Add jaggery, coconut and mix well. Sprinkle little water cover and cook for two minutes.
  6. Transfer into a serving bowl, garnish with grated coconut and serve hot.