
Rose Cookies

These cookies are not baked but deep-fried This is a Sanjeev Kapoor exclusive recipe.

New Update
Rose Cookies

Main Ingredients Refined flour, Rice flour
Cuisine Goan
Course Snacks and Starters
Prep Time 6-10 minutes
Cook time 16-20 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Sweet
Level of Cooking Easy
Others Non Veg


  • 1¼ cups refined flour
  • ¾ cup rice flour
  • ¾ cup castor sugar
  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup coconut milk
  • Oil for deep-frying
  • 1 cup chopped dark chocolate
  • 1 cup chopped white chocolate
  • Colourful vermicelli for garnishing


  1. Put castor sugar in a bowl, break egg in it and beat with electric beater till it reaches ribbon consistency. Add refined flour, rice flour and mix well. Add coconut milk gradually and mix well to smooth batter is formed. 
  2. Heat sufficient oil in a kadai. 
  3. Grease rose-shaped moulds with some hot oil, drop the shapes in hot oil and deep-fry them till golden on both the sides. Similarly prepare the rest. 
  4. Melt white and dark chocolate separately in 2 bowls for 30 seconds. 
  5. Dip some of the cookies in dark and others in white chocolates. Place all the cookies on a wire rack, garnish with colorful vermicelli and serve immediately. 