
Falafel Burger

A mouthwatering fusion of Middle Eastern and Western cuisines, featuring crispy falafel patties nestled on soft burger buns, with fresh veggies and creamy coriander mint mayo sauce. This recipe is from FoodFood TV channel

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Falafel Burger

Falafel Burger

Main Ingredients Chickpeas (kabuli chana) , Burger buns
Cuisine Middle Eastern
Course Snacks and Starters
Prep Time 7-8 hour
Cook time 21-25 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Mild
Level of Cooking Moderate
Others Veg


  • 1 cup chickpeas (kabuli chana), soaked overnight
  • 4 burger buns    
  • 4-5 garlic cloves     
  • 1 medium onion, chopped    
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder                
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • Oil to deep fry
  • A few fresh parsley sprigs    
  • ½ cup hung yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons coriander-mint chutney
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 8 iceberg lettuce leaves
  • 8 cheese slices
  • 1 medium cucumber, sliced


  1. Coarsely grind chickpeas with garlic and onion and put into a bowl.  Add salt, cumin powder and baking soda and mix well. 
  2. Heat sufficient oil in a deep pan. Divide the mixture into equal portions and roll into balls.
  3. Press them lightly, slide into hot oil and deep-fry till golden.  Drain on absorbent paper.
  4. Deep-fry a few parsley sprigs in the same oil till crisp. Drain on absorbent paper.
  5. Halve the burger buns and heat them in a non-stick pan.
  6. To make the yogurt sauce, put hung yogurt and coriander-mint chutney in a bowl and whisk till well blended. Add a little salt and mix.
  7. Keep a damp muslin cloth over another bowl, put the yogurt mixture in it, gather the edges and squeeze out smooth sauce into the bowl.
  8. Thinly slice tomatoes.
  9. Spread the yogurt sauce on the burger bun halves, place iceberg lettuce on them, top with tomato slices, cheese slices, cucumber slices and finally a burger. 
  10. Garnish with fried parsley and serve as open burgers.


Nutrition Info

Calories 1867
Carbohydrates 86.4
Protein 228.9
Fat 66.8
Other Fiber 64.4