
Brown Butter Sugar Cookies

These cookies are made with browned butter, brown sugar and refined flour. This is a Sanjeev Kapoor exclusive recipe.

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Brown Butter Sugar Cookies

Main Ingredients Butter, brown sugar/jaggery
Cuisine Fusion
Course Snacks and Starters
Prep Time 41-50 minutes
Cook time 16-20 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Sweet
Level of Cooking Easy
Others Veg

Ingredients list for Brown Butter Sugar Cookies

  • 1 cup Butter
  • to sprinkle brown sugar/jaggery 1 cup +
  • 2½ cups Refined flour (maida)
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 teaspoon Baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons Cinnamon powder
  • 2 tablespoons Milk


  1. Heat butter in a non-stick pan till well browned. Transfer into a bowl.
  2. Add brown sugar and beat well. Add egg and beat till well combined.
  3. Sieve together flour, baking powder and cinnamon powder into the bowl. Fold in well.
  4. Add milk and mix well. Cover with a cling film and keep in the refrigerator for twenty to twenty-five minutes.
  5. Preheat oven at 180° C.
  6. Dust the work top with some dry flour. Remove the cling film, place the dough on the table top and roll out into a one inch thick sheet. Cut out into sixteen square shaped cookies with a small cookie cutter.
  7. Place the cookies on a baking tray, sprinkle some brown sugar on each, place the tray in the preheated oven and bake for ten to twelve minutes. Remove from oven and cool down to room temperature.
  8. Serve or store in an airtight container.