
Virgin Guava Martini

Who doesn’t like a good ol’ Martini? Well, let’s turn that into something more fun and infuse the flavours of guava and a bit of chilli. This is Sanjeev Kapoor exclusive recipe.

New Update
Main ingredients Guava juice, Salt, Red chilli powder, Lemons, Ice cubes, Sugar syrup, Roased cumin powder
Cuisine Fusion
Course Beverages
Prep time 15-20 minutes
Cook time 0 minute
Serve 4
Taste Tangy
Level of cooking Easy
Others Vegetarian



  1. Spread 1 teaspoon salt and red chilli powder on a plate. 
  2. For each portion, rub a lemon wedge on the rim of a martini glass and dip in the red chilli-salt mixture so that the entire rim is covered with the mixture.
  3. Take 1 tablespoon lemon juice in a cocktail shaker. Add ½ cup guava juice, a pinch of salt, 2 tablespoons sugar syrup and a few ice cubes. Cover with the lid and shake well.
  4. Pour into the prepared martini glass, sprinkle roasted cumin powder and serve chilled.