
Amla Cooler

Amla is not only a great source of Vitamin C but it also helps in digestion and builds up immunity too! So, make this easy and refreshing drink with Amla and trust me, you will love it!

New Update
Main ingredients Indian gooseberries (amla), Ginger, Honey, Black salt, Drinking soda, Fresh mint sprigs 
Cuisine Fusion
Course Beverages
Prep time 5-10 minutes
Cook time 0 minute
Serve 4
Taste Sweet and sour
Level of cooking Easy
Others Vegetarian


  • 10-15 Indian gooseberries (amla), seeded and roughly chopped
  • ½ inch ginger, roughly chopped
  • 4 tablespoons honey
  • Black salt to taste
  • Drinking soda as required
  • Fresh mint sprig for garnish


  1. Put Indian gooseberries into a blender jar, add 1 cup chilled water and ginger and blend into fine mixture. Strain this mixture through fine sieve into a bowl. 
  2. For each portion, pour a portion of amla mixture into a serving glass, add 1 tablespoon honey and black salt and mix well. Top up with soda and mix well.
  3. Garnish with mint sprig and serve chilled.