
Beetroot Chutney

Beetroots are high in iron, immune-boosting vitamin C, fiber and essential minerals. Beetroot chutney is an easy way to include beets in our diet.

New Update
Beetroot Chutney

Main Ingredients Beetroots, Onion
Cuisine Fusion
Course Pickles, Jams and Chutneys
Prep Time 0-5 minutes
Cook time 1-1.30 hour
Serve as required
Taste Tangy
Level of Cooking Easy
Others Veg

Ingredients list for Beetroot Chutney

  • 3 medium Beetroots ,peeled
  • 1 medium Onion
  • 1 medium Red apple
  • 1 cup Orange juice
  • to taste Salt
  • 500 grams Castor sugar (caster sugar)
  • 1 teaspoon Cumin powder
  • 1 cup Malt vinegar


  1. Heat a non-stick pan. Chop onion roughly and put into the pan.
  2. Quarter apple, core, slice roughly and add to the pan. Add orange juice and mix.
  3. Roughly slice beetroots and add to the pan. Add salt, sugar and cumin power and mix well.
  4. Add malt vinegar, mix well, cover and cook on medium heat for 1 hour or till the mixture reaches jam consistency.
  5. Put into sterilized jars while it is still hot and put the cover on.
  6. Serve as required.