
For how long should you boil corn?

Munching on fresh boiled corn on cob during the monsoon downpour is one of the best ways to enjoy...

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For how long should you boil corn

Munching on fresh boiled corn on cob during the monsoon downpour is one of the best ways to enjoy the season. However, to truly savour the fresh corn on cob as well as fresh corn kernels, they have to be perfectly boiled. But for how long should they be boiled? According to some, corn should be boiled for nearly 10 minutes, while for some two to three minutes is just right. Confused? 

According to food science, cooking for a short period is ideal. Corn that is absolutely fresh in the field has high sugar content. However, once it is harvested, the sugar in the kernels starts converting to starch, and the corn’s distinctive sweet flavour gradually diminishes. The rate at which this conversion from sugar to starch takes place, varies from one variety to another. It is also affected by the temperature at which the corn is stored. In warm temperatures the action of enzymes that convert sugar to starch is hastened. Thus, to retain the maximum sweetness and flavour, it is preferable to boil the corn cob for a shorter duration of just 3 minutes. What’s more, prolonged boiling of the corn makes it tough and also reduces the flavour and aromas.
