
Plum Jam

Easy and delicious jam made from plum puree. Yummy spread on a toasted bread.

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Plum Jam

Plum Jam

Main Ingredients Plums
Cuisine Fusion
Course Pickles, Jams and Chutneys
Prep Time 11-15 minutes
Cook time 6-10 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Sweet
Level of Cooking Easy
Others Veg


  • 12 large plums
  • Sugar as required
  • ½ tsp citric acid 


  1. Chop plums roughly and puree them. Measure the puree and transfer into a deep non stick pan and cook for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Add sugar the same quantity as the plum puree and cook, stirring frequently, till the mixture thickens and the colour deepens.As the jam cooks, scrape off the mixture sticking to the sides of the pan and put it into the cooking mixture. Add ½ tsp citric acid and mix well.
  3. To test if the jam is done, put a little jam on a plate and let it rest for a while. If it sets as it cools, it means the jam is ready. Once the jam is ready pour it into sterilized bottles while still hot, seal and let it cool down to room temperature. Store in cool place.

Nutrition Info

Calories 2312
Carbohydrates 546
Protein 12.1
Fat 7.9
Other Fiber Fiber- 42gm