Main Ingredients Fresh mint leaves, Green peas Cuisine Fusion Course Soups Prep Time 11-15 minutes Cook time 6-10 minutes Serve Taste Mild Level of Cooking Easy Others Veg Ingredients 1 cup green peas 1 small onion 2-3 garlic cloves 1 small potato 10-12 fresh mint leaves 1 tablespoon butter 3 cups vegetable stock 1 cup milk Salt to taste ¼ teaspoon white pepper powder ½ cup cream Method Peel and wash onion and garlic and chop them fine. Peel and wash potato and cut into slices. Wash the mint leaves and green peas. Heat butter in a pan, add onion and garlic and sauté for a while. When the onion turns translucent add vegetable stock, potato slices and the mint leaves reserving a few leaves for garnish. Once the liquid starts boiling add the green peas. Boil for five to seven minutes, without covering, on high heat. When done remove from the heat, cool and strain. Reserve the stock for adding later. Puree the peas and other vegetables using a little stock, if required. Mix puree of peas with the required amount of reserved stock and milk and heat it again. Add salt and white pepper powder. Do not overcook. Finish with cream and serve garnished with the remaining mint leaves. Nutrition Info Calories 781 Carbohydrates 70.2 Protein 22.2 Fat 45.8 Other Fiber 20.4gm