The Indian superfood Jackfruit or Kathal contains phytonutrients, with health benefits ranging from anti-cancer to anti - hypertension. The root of this fruit has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from asthma. Jackfruit proves to be a very good source of vitamin C, which is known for its high antioxidant properties. The fruit also contains isoflavones, antioxidants and phytonutrients, all of which have cancer-fighting properties.
Benefits galaore!
Super benefits for skin
Jackfruit is loaded with a number of Vitamins, especially Vitamin A which is great to keep your skin in good health.
The high dietary content of jackfruit makes it a great ingredient for your digestive system. It improves bowel movement, fights constipation and acts as a mild laxative.
Weight Loss
If you are planning to shed a few pounds in the next couple of weeks, make sure you include jackfruit in your diet to speed up this process. The high fibre content in the raw version of jackfruit keep you satiated for long and prevents over eating!
Jackfruit during pregnancy
What you eat during a pregnancy is very crucial to ensure good health of both the child and the mother. The fruits are rich in many vitamins and minerals which will help in healthy fetal development. Jackfruit helps regulate and control hormones in pregnant women.
Check out these delicious recipes with this amazing superfood!
Jackfruit Gassi – Jackfruit is also labeled as ‘vegan meat’ and very rightfully so! The taste and texture is perfect to replace meat in most dishes. This Mangalorean style recipe is a must try.
Jackfruit – Soft rice flour rolls enclosed with a sweet jackfruit, coconut and jiggery mixture and steamed to perfection. You can serve these chilled our warm – you will love it in every avatar!
Kathal Ki Biryani – You can easily pass this one off as a boneless mutton biryani. With the juicy fibrous texture from chunks of jackfruit, long grain basmati rice and aromatic spices everything about this biryani is delicious!