
Soya Matar

The combination of chunky soya and sweet green peas is almost classic as they complement each other very well and make a dish that is enticing and filled with spices and flavours. This is a Sanjeev Kapoor exclusive recipe.

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Soya Matar

Main Ingredients soya chunks, green peas
Cuisine Indian
Course Main Course Vegetarian
Prep Time 11-15 minutes
Cook time 11-15 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Mild
Level of Cooking Moderate
Others Veg


  • 1 1/2 cups soya chunks, soaked
  • 1/2 cup green peas fresh
  • 3 tablespoons oil
  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 2 medium onions, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon ginger garlic paste
  • 1 large tomato , chopped
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 teaspoon red chilli powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 1 tablespoon coriander powder
  • 2 teaspoons cumin powder
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons cashewnut paste
  • 2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves 
  • 1/2 teaspoon garam masala powder
  • Coriander sprig for garnish


  1. Heat oil in a non-stick kadai, add cumin seeds, let the seeds change colour. Add onion and sauté till golden brown.
  2. Add ginger-garlic paste, mix well and sauté for 1-2 minutes. Add tomato, salt and sauté well. Cover and cook till the tomato is pulpy.
  3. Add red chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, mix well and cook for 1 minute.
  4. Add 1 cup water and mix well. Add cashew nut paste, mix well and add soaked soya chunks, fresh green peas, chopped coriander, mix well.
  5. Add ½ cup water and mix well. Add garam masala powder, mix well and cook for 2-3 minutes. Take it off the heat.
    Garnish with sprig of coriander and serve hot.