
Scandinavian Cucumber And Dill Salad

Thinly sliced cucumbers mixed with fresh dill and sour cream.

New Update
Main Ingredients Cucumber, Dill leaves
Cuisine Italian
Course Salads
Prep Time 16-20 minutes
Cook time Cooking Time
Serve 4
Taste Sour
Level of Cooking Easy
Others Veg

Ingredients list for Scandinavian Cucumber And Dill Salad

  • 4 medium Cucumber
  • 4 sprigs Dill leaves chopped
  • to taste Salt
  • 4 tablespoons Sour cream
  • 6-8 Black peppercorns ground
  • 2 stalks Spring onion greens chopped


  1. Slice the cucumbers as thinly as possible, preferably in a food processor or with a slicer. Place the slices in layers in a colander set over a plate to catch the juices. Sprinkle each layer evenly, but not too heavily, with salt.
  2. Leave the cucumber to drain for up to two hours, then lay out the slices on a clean kitchen towel and pat them dry. Just before serving, mix the cucumbers with the dill, sour cream and freshly ground peppercorns. Serve immediately, garnished with spring onion greens.

Nutrition Info

Calories 234
Carbohydrates 18.7
Protein 3.8
Fat 15.6
Other Fiber Fiber- 16.6gm