
Carrot Bundles

Present a dish with matchsticks of carrots. This is a Sanjeev Kapoor exclusive recipe.

New Update
Carrot Bundles
Main Ingredients Carrot, Spring onion greens
Cuisine Fusion
Course Garnishes
Prep Time 11-15 minutes
Cook time 6-10 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Mild
Level of Cooking Moderate
Others Veg

Ingredients list for Carrot Bundles

  • 1 medium Carrot
  • 2-3 sprigs Spring onion greens


  1. Choose tender, young carrots. Peel thinly. Cut off a thin lengthwise slice from each carrot to make the carrot stable when slicing thinly.
  2. Cut carrot into finger lengths. Place carrot cut-side down; cut into thin lengthwise slices.
  3. Stack three to four carrot slices on top of one another; cut into fine matchstick strips. Drop into boiling water to blanch for thirty seconds. This brightens the colour.
  4. Refresh under cold running water. For the ties use the greens of spring onions. Pour boiling water over to soften them, drain and rinse under cold water.
  5. Cut them into narrow strips. Make bundles of the carrot strips and tie them with spring onion greens.
  6. Carrot bundles look lovely on salad platters or floating on thick soups.

Nutrition Info

Calories 82
Carbohydrates 18.1
Protein 1.6
Fat 0.3
Other Fiber 8.3gm