
Caldo Verde

A healthy and wholesome spinach and potato soup. Caldo Verde is a popular soup in Portuguese cuisine. Mashing the potatoes lends creaminess without dairy, adding the greens just before serving keeps the flavor fresh, adds smoky richness.

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Caldo Verde

Main Ingredients Spinach Leaves, Potato
Cuisine Goan
Course Soups
Prep Time 10-15 minutes
Cook time 10-15 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Mild
Level of Cooking Easy
Others Veg


  • 30 Spinach leaves, finely chopped
  • 3 medium potatoes, boiled and mashed
  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped
  • 4 cups vegetable stock
  • Salt to tase
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder
  • 1/2 cup skimmed milk


  1. Heat a deep non-stick pan. Add onion and roast for a couple of minutes taking care that the colour of onion does not change. Add vegetable stock and bring it to a boil.
  2. Add potatoes and mix well. Add spinach and cook till the leaves are tender. Add salt to taste and pepper powder. Add milk and bring it to a boil. Serve piping hot.

Nutrition Info

Calories 413
Carbohydrates 92.9
Protein 9.5
Fat 0.6