World Water Day Water, the ultimate saviour of mankind! Save water to save the lives of both humans & animals. By Sanjeev Kapoor 22 Mar 2022 in Articles Know Your Ingredients New Update World Water Day Water, the ultimate saviour of mankind! You might be financially secure or affluent but without water, life can be discomforting, isn’t it? What if you woke up one day and found not a single drop of water? You have so many chores to accomplish every day. Right from drinking water, the soiled clothes piled up for washing, washroom necessities, cooking, and a lot more. Not just humans, but animals are also highly dependent on water for their existence. The global freshwater consumption is on a rise with the increasing population. Along with this, more and more cities are under the danger of running out of water completely by 2030. Isn’t this alarming enough to give you goosebumps! Hold on, we are not here to scare you any bit rather it’s just a nudge. A reminder to pay keen consideration to what we could possibly go through in the absence of water. Thanks to World Water Day observed on 22nd March every year, which is a gentle reminder from Mother Earth to stop taking the liberty of freshwater and ensure its sustainability. “Prevention is better than cure,” as they say, so let’s discuss this alarming concern and contemplate the possibilities to save it before it gets exhausted. 1. Every drop is precious, so value it without wasting While brushing your teeth/shaving/any other such activity don’t let the water keep flowing. Don’t overwater plants, as it forms algae and fungi thereby wasting them. Take individual responsibility to avoid wastage. Check for all sorts of leakage which includes pipes and faucets, etc. and rectify them. Turn off the tap wherever water is dripping unnecessarily and not in use. Whether at home, public places, offices, etc. This will help in preventing national water loss. 2. Rain Water Harvesting There are various ways you can use natural rainwater in your daily lives. You just need to be a bit careful and follow these methods. Wet System This system involves establishing numerous pipes in the underground. These are lead to an underground storage tank, which acts as a storage unit. The pipes remain full even in the absence of rain letting the water level remain constant. Dry System It’s the easiest and reasonable method to store water. The pipes remain empty when there is no rain and fills in on its arrival. The pipes function to divert all the water in a high storage tank installed within the ambience. Green Roofs Getting big holes in your pocket paying the middleman? Not anymore! This procedure lets you create rain water-absorbent plant bed on your roof. Ensuring that the plants get water immediately. Rainwater Barrels This is one more uncomplicated and economical technique to opt for. You can choose either a new or recycled barrel without holding any worry. The only downside to this is, consist rainfall will overflow the barrel leading to flood. Also, a regular check is must to prevent mosquitos breeding on the collected water. 3. An indispensable source for agriculture/irrigation Water, if used efficiently, can increase agricultural productivity and food security. Opt for organic farming Store rainwater Choosing better soil quality Drip irrigation as it decreases evaporation and supplies water to plant roots, leading to better growth. 4. Water-saving goals Replacing methods to dodge unnecessary wastage Fully automatic washing machines consume gallons of water. Prefer using the simple ones and recycle water as much as possible. Make sure to use the dishwasher only when fully loaded. This will save approximately 25 gallons of water! Clean using water bucket instead of pipes. 5. Gardening Tips All plant lovers who follow gardening routines, fix mulches with plants. This will store the required moisture in the soil without frequent watering required. In addition, if you have fish tank water ensure to divert that used water to the inedible plants/shrubs in your garden. Besides this, the government is taking preventive measures and it’s high time to increase awareness among people to save water. As our efforts can help to strive with this situation in a much better manner. Save Water- Save Life! Subscribe to our Newsletter! Be the first to get exclusive offers and the latest news Subscribe Now You May Also like Advertisment Read the Next Article