
The Story of Salt

Namak – a small pinch of it can make a huge difference – not just in your food, also in your lives!

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The Story of Salt

Salt is not just an Important part of your diet, it is also a crucial part of our history. Back in the 25th century salt was a prized commodity and its trade was highly profitable. When roman and Chinese rulers realized this, they introduced taxes on salt or took over the trade for themselves. Years later, when countries wanted to go to war, they raised taxes on salt. The British did the same in India to have absolute power over the people, by controlling the supply of something as basic as salt.

Mahatma Gandhi witnessed that these high taxes on salt prevented poor and low income households from buying and consuming salt. That’s when he started the Dandi March, with a dozen followers from Sabarmati Aashram in Ahmedabad to Dandi, Surat. This journey of around 240 miles saw people from all over India raise their voice and join the movement to protest against this cruelty of the British. After a lot of tension and nearly a year of protest, finally on April 5, 1931 The Gandhi-Irwin pact was signed where the British agreed to let the Indians produce salt for domestic use. That’s how Mahatama Gandhi won 'namak' for India.

The Salt March / Salt Satyagraha /Dandi March or the Satyagraha movement led by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 is today acknowledged worldwide as the one event that shook the British Empire in India to its core.

Namak – a small pinch of it can make a huge difference – not just in your food, also in your lives!

