Good quality ingredients, healthy cooking methods and timely meals are all important to have a healthy eating cycle, but so is another thing that most of us tend to ignore. How quickly or rather how slowly you eat your food.
Today’s social media obsessed fast paced lives eating food has become one of those activities that you click, upload and then race through. Another possibility is that some of us just genetically eat too quickly - gobble up your breakfast sandwich while running down the stairs or stuff yourself with lunch in 15 minutes instead of 30! These little things cost you more than you can calculate - indigestion, overeating and weight gain to name a few, but basically mess up your entire digestive system. Also doesn’t let you to savour your food.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a fork which doubled up as your daily food monitor and gently chided you in the form of a vibration or a blinking led light, every time you start eating too quickly? Not just that, this fork will also tell you exactly how many bites or ‘fork servings’ you ate, along with the interval between each and more.
Well, this digi/ intelligent/ smart fork does exist and like almost everything else these days comes with an online application! The app connects your mobile phone or desktop to the fork via a Bluetooth or USB connection. Once connected it lays down all these statistics in front of you (ranging from how long you took to eat a meal to weekly comparisons of your eating schedule) and helps you access your progress over a period of time. Not just that the fork also lets you share and compare your statistics, progress and your improved eating habits with an entire online community.
My understanding of the idea behind these kinds of cutlery is not just to have a cool gadget as a part of your cutlery, but to ensure you treat your meal as an important activity of the day, dedicate enough time to it and more importantly savour the delicious flavours of it – slowly and steadily.
Whether or not you need this intelligent fork in your life is for you to decide. As for me eating at home is usually a hands-on affair that I indulge in leisurely.