
Save Soil to Save Life!

Soil is an essential element that must be looked after. Save soil health!

New Update
Save Soil to Save Life

On my visit to the Isha Foundation, Sadhguruji’s Ashram, I decided to spend some time meditating and reflecting upon myself. Just as I sat down, a gust of air tickled my ears and that made me think, even this playful wind has such a big role to play in our daily life. Generous mother nature bestows us with so much, but do we really do justice to it?

Not enough, it seems. The problems of air pollution, climate change and water scarcity are sky rocketing with each passing day, and so is the concern of soil health!

Soil is “the only magic material that turns death into life,” says Sadhguruji. All humans, animals and plants, require soil to thrive, just like any other element. However, we often take it for granted despite being aware that life wouldn’t be the same without this precious soil!

Especially being a chef, I really cannot imagine how we can ever attain an organically rich diet without the nutrient rich soil. It is because of the soil that the plants attain adequate minerals and nutrients, which then makes its produce full of nourishment. So, it is high time we give soil the attention it deserves. We must look after the soil health now if we wish to have a diet full of nutrient rich food tomorrow, as simple as that.

I am absolutely grateful for the global movement launched by Sadhguruji- Save Soil, to address the soil crisis. Indeed, we need to come together and take steps collectively to ensure soil health. By doing so, I’m sure we can make a difference. I am obliged and absolutely encouraged to take part in promoting this vital cause.

This is not any agitation, but as a Chef and a responsible citizen, I consider it is my topmost responsibility to do so. Hence, I promise to stand by and make enough noise about the soil. On that note, I want to request everyone to join in and take actions to safeguard our future by safeguarding soil health today.

Save Soil. Let us make it happen!
