Sweet and slightly tart, juicy and fibrous – pineapples really are one of the best things you can dig your teeth into. What if we told you that you that eating this sweet tropical fruit will also help you find the way to a slimmer waistline and healthier you? Take a look at how pineapples work to help you ‘eat to lose’.
Bromelaine benefits
Bromelaine is an enzyme which works like magic on your body and pineapples are one of the extremely rare natural sources of it. Amongst the host of benefits, from treating sinus’ and reducing inflammation, but the one that excites us most is how it helps in losing weight. Bromelaine breaks down protein and speeds up the digestive process better than any other enzyme. It larger protein particles breaking down into smaller amino acids helps the body burn fat and shed the pounds faster.
Full of fibre
Like most fruits and vegetables – pineapples too contain fibre, but what makes them special is that they contain both, soluble and insoluble fibre and it is no news that fibre rich foodshelps maintain weight. The funda behind this is that fibre makes you feel fuller and for longer periods of time hence controlling the urge to over eat. It also helps in the release of gastric and digestive juices, thus maintaining a balanced digestive system.
High on H2O
Pineapples don’t just have the perfect mix of flavours and textures but also the perfect compositions of nutrients that help you lose weight. It contains a fairly good amount of manganese which helps metabolize carbohydrates and fat, has 85% water and almost no fat content. It is also has zero sodium, so it also prevents inflammation and bloating.
Besides the fact that they help you lose weight, pineapples also offer a bunch of other holistic health benefits.
- The high potassium and almost zero sodium level in pineapples helps to maintain blood sugar levels in the body.
- The bromelaine in pineapples helps reduce inflammation, provides relief from insect bites, rashes and burns.
- Pineapples are an excellent source of manganese which helps in maintaining strong bones and the connective tissues between them and helps prevent related diseases like arthritis and osteoporosis.
- Loaded with Vitamin C and antioxidant pineapples help reduce macular degeneration and improve eyesight as you age.
- It strengthens your immune system. The high vitamin C and bromelaine content in pineapples help to fight away common colds, flus and infection.
- They have several astringent and antioxidant properties which control skin ageing and sagging.
Check out some fabulous pineapple recipes here.