Bring home the lovely earth flavours of Morocco and create a menu that is both delicious and extremely simple to make. Take a look at these 3 Moroccan recipes which get made within just 30 minutes of time!
How to make: Harcha, Moroccan Chicken & Chicken Tagine with Chickpeas and Mint
Shopping list
500 grams of semolina
1 small packet of baking powder
1 packet of butter
1 kg chickpeas
1 small packet of parsley
1 small bottle of paprika
800 grams chicken
100 grams of carrots
100 grams of French beans
1 small bottle of olive oil
1 small bunch of coriander with roots
For faster preparation
For salad soak the chickpeas overnight and pressure cooked them with salt. Deseed and sliced the tomatoes. Slice the onions. Remove the mint leaves. Make the dressing and set aside. For chicken soak and parboil the chickpeas. Cut chicken, carrots, beans and tomatoes.
How to go about it
Start with the chicken first. Then make the dough for Harcha then spread them on a paper and shallow fry them. Toss the chickpeas and vegetables together in a serving bowl, drizzle dressing and serve.