Language can play a major role in every one’s life. Even when it comes to food! While dining out, sometimes you feel very conscious to order any difficultly pronounced dish in the fear of coming outas ‘not so well versed ‘in front of your peers. And probably, end up ordering a regular dish, which you don’t even want to. Well, we’ve all been there, done that. There are some particular food-related words which are dear to us but their pronunciations can be really tricky.
Get ready for some interesting gyaan today because we’re going to tell you just the right way to pronounce these food stuffs. Go on, get a strong hold on your culinary dictionary!
1. Quinoa
Well, this superfood has gained a lot of fame in the past few years.But, some of us still go wrong while getting its name right. It serves as a great alternative to rice and is super healthy for every age group.
What you think is correct: “kee-noah"
What actually is correct: “keen-wah”
2. Jalapeno
The good-ol’ pizza buddy, you know you want your share of jalapenos on pizza. These are tangy, crunchy and spicy chillies which belong to the hot pepper family.
What you think is correct: “ja-la-peh-noh”
What actually is correct: “hah-lah-peh-noh”
3. Hummus
This popular dip from the Middle-Eastern cuisine is now very popular across the globe. It’s super easy to make, high on nutrition and we’ve also got some recipes for you.But before that, know how to pronounce it right!
What you think is correct: “hum-uss”
What actually is correct: “hu-muhs”
4. Macaron
This French dessert is one of the cutest and yummiest one to savour. A little cumbersome to prep, super expensive but it’s all worth it!
What you think is correct: “mak-a-ron”
What actually is correct: “mak-a-ruhn”
5. Bruschetta
This is the famous one from Italian cuisine. Well, after reading this article, you’re definitely going to order this one more often, without any stress.
What you think is correct: “broo-sheh-tuh”
What actually is correct: “broo-sket-aah”
6. Focaccia
Crispy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside, this Italian bread is not just a treat to the eyes, but the taste buds too.
What you think is correct: “fo-ca-see-ya”
What actually is correct: “foh-kah-chiah”
7. Croissant
The beautiful French bread – buttery, flaky and soft is an absolute treat to the palate and eyes,but a little difficult to pronounce.
What you think is correct: “krow-sant”
What actually is correct: “kvah-swang”
8. Mascarpone cheese
Mascarpone cheese comes from Italy and is actually an important ingredient for many desserts. It’s like cream cheese, but is softer and creamier.
What you think is correct: “mas-car-pone”
What actually is correct: “ma-skuh-pow-nee”