
Eating weird looking food, turns appealing!

Some foods which might look ugly or weird to you, but are great for your body!

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Eating weird looking food turns appealing

Don’t judge food by its cover! Mushy and gooey seeds, hairy fruits, ugly vegetables; who wants to eat those, right? There are many oddly shaped, too large or small or not so fancy coloured foods that are visually unappealing to mankind. Recent studies show that maximum food products with the right nutritional properties, go untouched. The major reason for this being they look ‘ugly’ or ‘weird.’ 

Foods such as basil seeds, kiwi and custard apple are rejected but are a powerhouse of nutrients and various antioxidants. And these essentials go wasted when rejected. Not that you have to eat ugly produce only, but you can easily start with including them in your diet once in a while.

While you crib about the looks of certain foods, here’s a list that tells you why exactly you should include them in your diets. Read on.

Basil Seeds or Sabja  

These black and tear-shaped seeds might confuse you with chia seeds. But both are different. These are nutritious and loaded with proteins, essential fats and fibre.  Extremely cooling for the body too. The reason’s a hit when it comes to healthy diets; more and more people are readily including this in their diets. It is a wonder ingredient for desserts and drinks. Studies also suggest that sabja helps in reducing stress and aids in weight loss.

Blue Cheese

Repelling smell, blue mouldy texture, bold and tangy flavour – that’s blue cheese for you! Not just intimidating, this cheese is one of the healthiest too. Rich in calcium, it will help prevent bone-related issues like osteoporosis. This tastes great in burgers, salads, pizzas and the likes.  


Figs – more so the fruit that looks like a baby alien, is not just a fruit, but an amazing substitute as a sweetener.  If you are on a diet and craving candies, which does happen a lot, figs are the go-to option. They are low on fats and taste delicious. You can add them to your salads, ice creams and more.

Passion Fruit

This fruit, basically a berry, has its origin in South America and has gained popularity because of its attractive name. It is rich in antioxidants with Vitamin A, dietary fibres and helps lower cholesterol. Even if it comes under the ‘exotic’ category, passion fruit can be a part of many preparations like sauces, jams, jellies, dressings, smoothies, pie fillings and ice creams.

Sunflower Seeds

These nutritious seeds have been a munching snack for a long time. They are also milled to produce edible oils and are a great source of Vitamin E and almost have zero cholesterol. Binging on these seeds can be good for your skin, liver, heart and overall health. Hence, it is a ‘hit’ among fitness enthusiasts too.


The nut that looks like a tiny brain! This earthy flavoured seed is a powerhouse of antioxidants and helps in controlling weight. Its rustic taste makes it a perfect addition to salads, breakfast bowls, pasta and more.
