
All you need to know about Paleo Diet!

We are going to tell you all about Paleo diet and how can it help.

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All you need to know about Paleo Diet

There are so many diets available nowadays. But, you have so much to consider before you choose a diet suited to your body. 2019 was a year where we saw so much change in the culinary world. People started adapting healthier habits, following food routines, working out more and becoming super conscious about their health. And the year brought us many diets to choose from, all of which had science-backed benefits and abilities to help us in more ways than one.

Have you heard about ‘paleo diet’ or ‘stone age diet?’ Probably not. Because this one came into light after many other diets were already widespread.  Today, we are going to tell you all about this diet and how can it help.

What is it?

The term ‘paleo’ relates to the ‘Paleolithic era’ which means the ancient stone-age time which takes us back to almost 2.5 million years from now. Precisely why, this diet is also termed as the ‘cavemen diet.’ You have to eat exactly what our ancestors ate. The active humans of those times went out hunting, fishing and ate whatever they could gather. Because obviously they didn’t have burger joints, or the pros of online ordering sitting at home or munching on junk foods, so what they ate was only freshly collected food.  

What exactly do you eat?

You have to eat anything that is collected straight form the earth, just like people in ancient times did. For instance, meat and fish are to be consumed fresh rather than buying the canned or frozen ones. All sorts of processed, canned and packaged foods are to be avoided. Following this diet is a little difficult since avoiding packaged foods is quite a task for this era.  Plus, you have to drink plenty of water and keep your body physically active too.

  • Meat, seafood, fish, eggs (no canned ones)
  • Vegetables such as lettuce, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, sweet potatoes and spinach
  • Nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts and pistachios
  • Fresh fruits
  • Seeds like pumpkin and sunflower
  • Plant-based oils such as olive and coconut oil

Pros of paleo diet

  • It may result in weight loss because of low sugar and carbohydrate intake. Your tummy will feel fuller because of high consumption of proteins and fats, that aid in shedding kilos.
  • Avoiding additives, preservatives or chemicals always has a positive effect on the body.
  • Benefits of anti-inflammation from fruits, vegetables, oils, nuts and seeds.
  • Meat, chicken, fish can provide you high proteins, iron and vitamins, help maintain optimal balance of essential nutrients and help your body to perform better.
  • The diet reduces the body’s glycemic capacity and balances saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

Cons of Paleo diet

  • Can be difficult for vegetarians since it does not include any dairy products, grains, lentils, etc.
  • Avoiding and cutting carbohydrates completely is difficult and harmful too. You may often feel low in energy and fatigued at most times.  
  • It is a very strict diet to follow, since you’ve to cut off sugar intake and all your junkies in entirety.
  • Dairy limitations can cause lack in calcium and vitamin, which are harmful for bone health.

Irrespective of the pros and cons, you must choose the best kind of diet according to your body’s requirements. Paleo diet may or may not suit an individual, but, it’s on them to decide on this. You can always alter a diet giving to what you feel is the right way to do it.
