
Grilled Peaches with Ice Cream

Peaches coated with sugar and cinnamon powder, grilled and served with ice cream. This recipe is from FoodFood TV channel

New Update
Grilled Peaches with Ice Cream
Main Ingredients Fresh Ripe Peaches, Orange Juice
Cuisine Fusion
Course Desserts
Prep Time 0-5 minutes
Cook time 11-15 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Sweet
Level of Cooking Moderate
Others Veg

Ingredients list for Grilled Peaches with Ice Cream

  • 5-6 Fresh Ripe Peaches
  • 1 tablespoon Orange Juice
  • 1/4 cup Castor sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon Cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 cup Orange juice
  • 4 Berries and cream ice cream sticks for serving


  1. Halve peaches and discard the seeds.
  2. Heat butter in a non-stick grill pan.
  3. Spread sugar and cinnamon powder on a plate and mix well.
  4. Coat peach halves in sugar-cinnamon mixture and place them on the grill pan and grill till the grill marks appear underside. Flip and pour over the orange juice and cook till the peaches are poached.
  5. Put only the grilled peaches into a serving bowl and pour over the sauce remaining in the pan on top, serve with berries and cream ice cream sticks.

Nutrition Info

Calories 1186
Carbohydrates 30.9
Protein 234.5
Fat 13.8
Other Fiber Calcium-990.9mg