
Patrani Machchi

A popular Parsi preparation – fish cooked with green chutney wrapped in banana leaves This recipe is from FoodFood TV channel

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Patrani Machchi
Main Ingredients Pomfret fillets
Cuisine Parsi
Course Main Course-Seafood
Prep Time 31-40 minutes
Cook time 11-15 minutes
Serve 5
Taste Mild
Level of Cooking Medium
Others Non Veg

Ingredients list for Patrani Machchi

  • 8 Pomfret fillets


Halve each fish fillet. Sprinkle a little salt and one tablespoon lemon juice over all the fish pieces and set aside to marinate for half an hour, preferably in a refrigerator.

Grind together the coriander leaves, garlic, green chillies, coconut, cumin seeds, salt, sugar, remaining lemon juice and two to three tablespoons of water to a smooth chutney. Cut each banana leaf into two pieces.

Singe the leaves over open flame to make them malleable. Apply the chutney to both the sides of all the fish pieces and set aside to marinate for about fifteen minutes. Place a fish piece in the center of each piece and smear some of the excess chutney on them. Fold in the ends of the leaf to cover the fish pieces completely and shape into a parcel.

Heat sufficient water in the lowest deck of a steamer on high heat. Place the fish parcels in the middle deck, lower the heat to medium, cover the steamer with the lid and steam for ten to twelve minutes.

Serve the fish in the leaf itself so that each guest can open the parcel and enjoy the fish hot.
