
Orange Chennar Payesh

Bengalis love their chennar payesh and orange adds a wonderful twist to it This recipe is from FoodFood TV channel

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Orange Chennar Payesh

Main Ingredients Orange drink powder, Milk
Cuisine Bengali
Course Mithais
Prep Time 3-3.30 hour
Cook time 41-50 minutes
Serve 4
Taste Sweet
Level of Cooking Moderate
Others Veg

Ingredients list for Orange Chennar Payesh

  • 3 tablespoons Orange drink powder
  • 2 litres Milk
  • 1 litres Milk , to make chenna
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons Lemon juice
  • 400 grams Sweet condensed milk
  • 2 tablespoons Sugar
  • 4-5 Almonds , slivered
  • 4-5 Pistachios , slivered


  1. Heat 2 lt milk in a deep non-stick pan till it reduces to half.
  2. Heat 1 lt milk in another non-stick pan.
  3. Place a muslin cloth over a strainer kept on a bowl.
  4. When the milk in the 2nd pan comes to a boil, add lemon juice and let it curdle. Pour the curdled milk into the strainer and let all whey drain. (Reserve this whey. You can use it to knead chapatti dough or to make chenna again).
  5. Gather the edges of the cloth together, dip in cold water kept in another bowl, till it cools down completely. Squeeze the cloth to drain all excess water away.
  6. Add condensed milk to the reduced milk and mix well. Cook till it reduces a little more.
  7. Place the chenna on the worktop or in a parat and mash it with the heels of your palms.
  8. Add sugar to reduced milk and mix and continue to cook.
  9. Take orange drink powder in a small bowl, add ΒΌ cup reduced milk and mix well.
  10. When the milk reduces to the required consistency, add small portions of mashed chenna and mix well. Cook for 3-4 minutes and take it off the heat. Cool down to room temperature.
  11. Add orange powder mixture and mix well and chill.
  12. Pour into individual bowls and serve chilled garnished with almonds and pistachios.