
6 Benefits of macadamia nuts

Nuts like a few other ingredients get a bad reputation due to their high calorie content, but not al

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6 Benefits of macadamia nuts

Nuts like a few other ingredients get a bad reputation due to their high calorie content, but not all calories are bad. Turns out a few of these are much healthier than they get credit for – like macadamia nuts for example. Read on to find out how these delicious buttery nuts can fit perfecting in a healthy diet plan.

Zero Cholesterol - Macadamia nuts are the only nuts which boast of having zero cholesterol. They have very little or no omega 6 or harmful fatty acids and are instead loaded with heart healthy monosaturated acids which clean up the arteries, control cholesterol and keep the heart in great shape. They take care of the foremost concern that comes along with eating nuts – their unhealthy fat and cholesterol content.

Weight Loss – A lot of people associate macadamia nuts with weight gain, which is anything but the truth. Macadamia nuts contain the essential fats which speed up metabolism and help you burn fat much faster than normal.

Reduces hunger pangs - The fatty oils and the delicious taste of macadamia nuts along with the high fibre content helps you get full faster and controls hunger pangs and cravings.

Strong Bones – Macadamia nuts are loaded with vitamins and minerals that contribute to stronger bones and teeth. They have enough calcium, phosphorous and omega 3 which keep problems like osteoporosis at bay.

Zero Cholesterol butter – Make your own macadamia nut butter by grinding a bunch of these in the food processor till they reach desired consistency. Use this creamy delicious spread as a substitute for butter minus all the cholesterol and worries that come along with every slather of it. Plus its gluten free!

Macadamia Nut oil – Macadamia nuts contain the same good omega 3 fatty acids found in olive oil which is of much higher quality than most other oils. It is steadily and securely replacing several other oils in the kitchen because of its health benefits.

Enough reasons to include macadamia nuts in your diet but need more fun recipes? Browse through for delicious recipes and more!
